Air Purifier

Air Purifier

The smart air purifier, designed by Phonos Group, is a great home product that is used to improve the air quality in a home or other indoor space by removing pollutants, such as dust, allergens, smoke, and other particles, from the air.

Smart air purifiers are equipped with advanced features, such as the ability to be controlled and monitored remotely via a smartphone app, and the ability to adapt to the changing air quality in a space.

Main Features


The primary function of our air purifier is to filter the air in a space to remove pollutants. It uses a combination of filters, HEPA filters and carbon filters, to capture and remove particles from the air.

Monitoring & Control

Our smart air purifiers have sensors that measure the air quality in a space and provide real-time feedback to the user. The user can then use this information to adjust the settings of the purifier or turn it on or off as needed.

Automatic Operation

The smart air purifiers are equipped with automatic operation features, such as the ability to turn on and off based on the air quality in a space, or the ability to adjust the speed of the purifier based on the level of pollution detected.

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